How to Apply for an LLC in Wyoming

Updated on January 22, 2024

Starting a limited liability company (LLC) in Wyoming can be a great way to formally register your business while benefiting from liability protections and favorable tax treatments. Wyoming is known for having business-friendly policies that make it relatively quick and easy to form an LLC. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the key steps you need to take to properly establish your Wyoming LLC from initial filing to obtaining licenses and permits.

First, we’ll cover the paperwork you need to legally form your LLC with the state. Next, we’ll discuss required filings like articles of organization as well as steps for creating an operating agreement. Additionally, you’ll learn about obtaining an EIN, business licenses, building company structure, and maintaining compliance. By the end, you’ll have the knowledge needed to successfully start and operate your Wyoming LLC.

Understanding LLCs

An LLC, or limited liability company, is a business structure that combines aspects of partnerships and corporations. LLCs provide liability protection for the owners, called members, so their personal assets are generally protected from business debts and lawsuits. At the same time, LLCs allow pass-through taxation like partnerships, avoiding double taxation on business income.

Some key characteristics of LLCs include:

  • Ownership flexibility – LLCs can have single or multiple members
  • Less recordkeeping than corporations
  • Ability to divide profits unevenly based on ownership percentage
  • Tax efficiencies as pass-through entities

Understanding the basics of LLCs is important when deciding if this business structure is right for your planned Wyoming company. The limited liability protections and pass-through taxes often provide advantages over other entities.

Choosing a Name for Your LLC

When starting an LLC in Wyoming, one of the first steps is choosing a business name. Here are some tips for choosing an effective LLC name:

  • Make sure your desired name is available by checking the Wyoming Secretary of State’s business database. If the name is taken, you’ll have to select a different one.
  • Choose a name that reflects your brand and communicates what your business does. Using clear, descriptive words can help customers understand your business.
  • Consider SEO and how your name might perform in online searches. Incorporate relevant keywords that customers would use to find businesses like yours.
  • Make sure your name complies with Wyoming’s legal requirements. It must contain words like Limited Liability Company or L.L.C. to identify your type of structure.

Taking the time to pick the right LLC name sets your new business up for success. Check if your desired name is available and communicates your brand effectively before filing with the state.

Selecting a Registered Agent

One of the requirements for forming an LLC in Wyoming is designating a registered agent. This is a person or business that agrees to accept legal documents and notices on behalf of your LLC. When selecting a registered agent, you have a few options:

  • You can appoint yourself, another individual member, or an existing manager of the LLC as the registered agent. This allows you to save money by not hiring a third-party registered agent service.
  • You can hire a commercial registered agent company. These companies charge a fee but will ensure documents are received in a timely manner. Some popular registered agent services in Wyoming include Incfile, MyCorporation, and Northwest Registered Agent.

When selecting a registered agent, make sure they have an address in Wyoming where legal documents can be delivered. Appointing an out-of-state registered agent will result in rejection of your LLC formation by the state.

Filing Your LLC Paperwork

Once you have chosen a business name and registered your LLC with the state, the next step is to file your Articles of Organization. This legal document contains basic information about your LLC, such as the business name, registered agent, and members/managers. Here’s an overview of filing your Wyoming LLC paperwork:

  • Prepare your Articles of Organization form according to Wyoming’s requirements. You’ll need to include your LLC’s name, registered office address and agent, principal office address, and member/manager details. The filing fee is $100.
  • File the Articles of Organization by mailing the completed form and filing fee to the Wyoming Secretary of State. You can also file online through the Secretary of State’s online filing system.
  • Obtain an Employer Identification Number (EIN) from the IRS within 60 days of forming your LLC, even if you do not plan to hire employees. This number will be used for federal tax purposes.
  • Create an operating agreement detailing ownership percentages, member responsibilities, rules for governance, and more. While an operating agreement is not required in Wyoming, it is highly recommended.
  • Comply with licensing and permit requirements for your industry and location. Requirements vary by city, county, and business activity.

Following these key steps will ensure your LLC paperwork is correctly filed so you can operate legally in Wyoming. The Secretary of State website offers helpful resources and forms for new business owners throughout the process.

Drafting an LLC Operating Agreement

After officially forming your LLC with the state, the next important legal document to create is an operating agreement. An operating agreement establishes the rules and regulations for how your Wyoming LLC will be structured and managed. While an operating agreement is not legally required in Wyoming, it is highly recommended for all LLCs.

Here are some key things to address in your Wyoming LLC operating agreement:

  • Ownership structure – Spell out the percentage interests of each member and rules around transferring/selling ownership stakes.
  • Member roles and responsibilities – Define if you will have designated roles like Managers and Members and outline associated duties.
  • Rules for holding meetings and voting on business decisions – Establish protocols for meetings, voting procedures, quorum requirements, etc.
  • Capital contributions from members – Set expectations for initial and ongoing contributions from members.
  • Profit and loss distributions – Determine formulas for allocating profits/losses and distributing funds to members.
  • Adding/removing members – Outline processes and rules for buying in new members or buying out existing ones.

There are many free LLC operating agreement templates available online to reference. However, each LLC’s needs are unique, so it is wise to consult an attorney that specializes in small business law to review your agreement before finalizing it. This can help ensure your operating agreement complies with Wyoming laws and sets up your LLC for success.

Obtaining Tax Identification Numbers

One of the steps for starting an LLC in Wyoming is obtaining tax identification numbers from the appropriate government agencies. This includes getting an Employer Identification Number (EIN) from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) online or by submitting Form SS-4. Additionally, you must register with the Wyoming Department of Revenue to obtain sales tax and unemployment insurance permits. The EIN number acts as your business’s social security number for tax purposes. It is a unique identifier that allows your LLC to pay federal and state taxes properly. Having these tax IDs and permits in place ensures your business remains compliant as you begin operations.

  • Apply for an EIN from the IRS, which takes just a few minutes online
  • Complete Wyoming Department of Revenue registration for sales tax and unemployment insurance
  • Use the EIN for paying federal and state business taxes

Pros and Cons of Starting an LLC in California

Forming an LLC in Wyoming comes with several advantages. Some of the key pros of establishing an LLC in the state include:

  • No state income tax on LLC earnings
  • Minimal reporting and compliance requirements
  • A business-friendly legal environment

However, there are also a few potential downsides to consider:

  • Wyoming has an annual $50 fee for LLCs, which is higher than some other states like California which has an $800 flat fee no matter the LLC’s income
  • You must have a registered agent, which involves some additional costs each year
  • If your business has a physical presence in other states, you may still need to register as a foreign LLC in those locations

Overall, forming an LLC can provide liability protection and tax advantages, but requires meeting Wyoming’s annual compliance rules. Weighing the pros and cons allows making an informed choice.

Cost Considerations

When starting an LLC in Wyoming, there are several costs to consider. The filing fee to register your LLC with the Secretary of State is $100. You may also need to pay fees for annual reports and taxes. Here are some of the key costs to factor into your Wyoming LLC budget:

  • Filing fees – $100 to file the Articles of Organization plus any other relevant paperwork fees
  • Registered agent fees – $50-300 per year for a registered agent service
  • Operating agreement – Costs vary if using a lawyer or online service to create
  • Licenses and permits – Depending on your industry, additional licensing fees may be required
  • Taxes – Wyoming does tax LLC income based on the federal tax classification chosen

As you can see, the state fees to start a Wyoming LLC are very affordable, but remember to account for ongoing costs each year as well.

Economical LLC Formation Options

When starting an LLC in Wyoming, it’s important to keep costs low, especially when just launching your business. Here are some of the most affordable options for LLC formation:

  • Use an online service like LegalZoom or Incfile to form your LLC. These services charge $100-200 for preparing your articles of organization and submitting them to the state.
  • Hire a business attorney on UpCounsel or LegalZoom Business Formation Services. You can find independent lawyers to review your LLC paperwork for much less than using a traditional law firm.
  • File yourself using the forms on the Wyoming Secretary of State website. The state filing fee is only $100 if you DIY, but make sure your articles meet all requirements.

Balancing cost, legal compliance, and convenience is key when choosing the best option for your new Wyoming LLC. Using one of these affordable services can help you start your business without high legal bills.

Pre-Formation Steps

Taking the proper pre-formation steps when starting a Wyoming LLC is important to ensure your business is legally compliant from day one. Here are some key steps to take before formally registering your LLC:

  • Choose a unique business name that complies with Wyoming’s naming requirements. Search the business entity database to make sure your desired name is available.
  • Draft your LLC operating agreement, which outlines financial and managerial structure, ownership percentages, member responsibilities, and more. This step is crucial for LLCs with multiple members.
  • Make sure to obtain all necessary licenses and permits for your type of business on the local, state, and federal levels.
  • Set up accounting procedures, business bank accounts, tax registrations, and insurance requirements.

Completing these key pre-filing steps allows for a smooth LLC registration process in Wyoming so you can quickly get to legally operating your business.

Comparing Business Entity Types

When starting a business in Wyoming, you have several options for structuring your company. Some of the most common business structures include sole proprietorships, partnerships, corporations, and limited liability companies (LLCs). Here is a brief comparison of some key factors to consider when choosing an entity type:

  • Liability protection – Sole proprietors and general partners have unlimited personal liability for debts and legal issues arising from the business. Corporations and LLCs provide liability protection for owners.
  • Taxes – Sole proprietors report business income and expenses on their personal returns. Partnerships, corporations and LLCs file separate tax returns. LLCs allow pass-through taxation where income flows through to owners’ personal returns. Corporations have more complex taxation rules.
  • Ownership flexibility – LLCs allow for greater flexibility in dividing ownership interests compared to corporations. Partnerships also allow flexibility but lack liability protections.
  • Administrative requirements – Corporations have more paperwork, formalities and maintenance requirements than LLCs, sole proprietorships and partnerships. LLCs have fewer compliance rules.

As this comparison shows, LLCs provide a nice balance of liability protection, pass-through taxation, ownership flexibility and ease of administration. That’s why LLCs are a popular choice for small businesses today. However, consulting an accountant can help determine the best entity type for your specific situation.

After Filing Your LLC in Wyoming

Once your Articles of Organization have been accepted and filed by the Wyoming Secretary of State, you have officially formed your LLC. However, there are still some important next steps you need to take to maintain compliance and properly structure your LLC.

  • Create an operating agreement – An operating agreement is an internal document that outlines the ownership structure, member responsibilities, profit/loss distributions, and other governance details for your LLC. While not required in Wyoming, having one is considered a best practice.
  • Get an EIN – Apply for an Employer Identification Number (EIN) from the IRS. This number will be used for tax purposes instead of using your Social Security number.
  • Set up accounting – Establish a business banking account, accounting procedures, and a record-keeping system for your Wyoming LLC.
  • Understand tax obligations – In most cases, LLCs are not separately taxed entities, so members must report profits/losses on their personal tax returns. Understand your LLC’s federal and Wyoming tax obligations.
  • Obtain business licenses/permits – If your LLC has employees or is engaged in activities that require state/local licensing, obtain necessary registrations and permits.
  • Create a Compliance Calendar – A compliance calendar can help you track important state and federal filing deadlines for your LLC.

Be sure to stay up-to-date on all ongoing compliance and regulatory requirements to keep your Wyoming LLC in good legal standing. Also consider creating company policies, contracts, and an LLC website or marketing materials to establish your brand and promote your business.

Business Licenses and Permits

When starting an LLC in Wyoming, you may need to obtain certain business licenses and permits depending on your industry and location. These can include:

  • A business license from the city or county where your LLC is located. Requirements and fees vary by location.
  • Industry-specific licenses such as liquor licenses, healthcare licenses, etc. You can check requirements on the Wyoming state licensing website.
  • Sales tax permits if you will be collecting sales tax. You can apply for a sales tax permit in Wyoming here.
  • An Employer Identification Number (EIN) from the IRS if you plan to hire employees. You can apply for an EIN online.

Be sure to research if your Wyoming LLC needs any industry-specific permits or licenses at both the state and local level before getting started.

Growth Considerations for Your LLC

As your Wyoming LLC grows, there are some key considerations to keep in mind. You’ll want to maintain adequate capital and cash flow to support expansion, as taking on too much debt too quickly can be risky. It’s also important to understand any tax implications of growth – consult with an accountant to ensure you file properly and leverage any available incentives or deductions.

On the operations side, scale up staff and systems accordingly so that customer satisfaction isn’t impacted by growth pains. Be thoughtful about adding new products, services or territories so that you don’t stretch your teams and resources too thin. And don’t neglect to review and update your LLC agreement to account for a larger or more complex business structure.

As exciting as growth can be, paced, strategic expansion is key for LLCs to thrive. Consider options like taking on investors or business loans to fuel growth once you have a solid business foundation in place first.

Additional Resources

Forming an LLC in Wyoming can seem complicated, but there are many useful resources available to guide you. From official state websites to online business services, you can find the help you need. Additionally, working with an accountant or business lawyer can provide expertise as you establish your LLC.

Below is a table with additional resources when starting an LLC in Wyoming. Review them to find more detailed information, forms, and services that simplify the process.

Wyoming Secretary of State Wyoming government website for business registration services and resources.
Incfile online LLC filing services, tools and resources for new businesses.

With the proper research and guidance, the process of starting an LLC doesn’t have to be intimidating. Use these additional resources to help register your Wyoming LLC correctly and establish the strong legal foundation of your business.


Starting an LLC in Wyoming provides several advantages such as no state income tax, privacy protections, and easy compliance rules. By following the key steps outlined in this article, you can establish your Wyoming LLC smoothly.

In summary, the main steps are:

  • Choose and register your LLC name
  • File your articles of organization
  • Create an operating agreement
  • Obtain an EIN
  • Comply with licensing and permit requirements

There may be additional steps depending on your specific business activities. For further help, consider using services like Incfile or contacting a business attorney in Wyoming. Forming your LLC correctly from the start will set your business up for success.


1. What are the requirements to form an LLC in Wyoming?

Some key requirements are: Choose a business name, file articles of organization, appoint a registered agent, create an operating agreement, obtain business licenses/permits.

2. How do I choose a name for my Wyoming LLC?

You’ll need to pick an available business name that includes terms like Limited Liability Company or LLC. Check name availability by searching the Wyoming Secretary of State database.

3. What information needs to be included in the articles of organization?

The articles of organization must include the LLC’s name, registered agent’s name and address, mailing address for the LLC, principal office address, and the names and addresses of the LLC’s organizers.

4. Does Wyoming require an operating agreement for an LLC?

While not legally required, it is highly recommended to set up an operating agreement to outline financial and management procedures, rules for members, ownership percentages, voting rights etc.

5. What are the filing fees to form an LLC in Wyoming?

The filing fee to form a Wyoming LLC is $100 if filed online or $120 if filed via mail along with the articles of organization. There are also fees associated with other start up processes.

6. Is there any publishing requirement to form a Wyoming LLC?

Yes, you must publish a legal notice of the LLC formation in a local newspaper within 10 days of filing the articles of organization.

7. How do taxes work for a Wyoming LLC?

Wyoming does not have state income tax. For federal taxes, by default an LLC is taxed as a partnership if it has 2 or more members, while single-member LLCs are taxed as sole proprietorships.

Frank Gogol

A seasoned SEO expert, Frank has a long history of working with and for startups. Starting in mid-2018, Frank served as the SEO Strategist for Stilt, a fintech startup that provided fair loans for immigrants in the US and other underserved markets. While with the company, he scaled site traffic from zero to more than 1.5 million unique visits per month, driving the bulk of the company’s lead generation until it was acquired by J.G. Wentworth in December 2022. As employee #5 at Stilt, Frank was witness to, and part of, the successful building and sale of a fintech company, uniquely positioning him to create content for founders about all things startups.